Wednesday 7 October 2009

No, we were not hibernating :)

Apologies, that we haven't written for a while, but we have been working hard to get you newer designs and trying to make new deals so we can be closer to you at a boutique in your neighborhood :)

We will keep you loyal fans updated with our attempts at garnering retail space.

As the Arab say “Shukran Jazilan” thanks a lot for your continued support.

Meanwhile, check out what’s in store for this season at Al Jawaher magazine - October 2009 issue (available at any bookstore in the UAE) and let us know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. A very special popular fashion of women in Indian clothing is the Indian Sari and salwar-kameez. This popular Indian dress evolved as a comfortable and respectable garment for women in all India around Kashmir to kanya kumari. Though the majority of Indian women wear traditional Indian dresses, the men in India can be found in more conventional western clothing like shirts and trousers.
